Friday morning I grocery shopped and realized that having my kids do school from home right now isn’t all that bad because it means that they’re home when I get home from the grocery store and THEY can unload all of my groceries for me!
Unloading groceries is one of my LEAST favorite things.
London headed off on Friday afternoon for her first camping trip EVER with her cute cousins and aunt and uncle…
She was SO excited and had SO much fun!!
The rest of us met some of my side of the family for dinner at Floridino’s on Friday night. {Yes, for the second weekend in a row. We LOVE that place – what can I say?}
Nothing tops their pizza cookie. NOTHING!
On Saturday the boys ran errands while I cleaned and got chores done around home.
My sweet friend Maureen dropped by and surprised me with some of my FAVORITE cookies EVER!
These are from CHUNK and if you haven’t tried their chunkerdoodle cookie…it’s a must!
Our Saturday night was spent watching more….Parks and Rec. We are on the last and final season and I’m not kidding, I think I’m going to CRY when it’s over.
We slept in on Sunday, had at home church and then went over to Joe’s parents house for a Sunday afternoon visit.
Joe’s mom had out some of her old scrapbooks and the boys and I had so much fun looking through them. In case you didn’t know, Joe’s an identical twin and I honestly still cannot tell them apart in some of their younger pictures. Can you?
Lastly, I loved this gem that President Nelson posted last night on Twitter. FOSTER YOUR FAITH and FIX YOUR FOCUS. Such great advice as we head into a new week, don’t cha think?
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