We did a whole ‘lotta nothing this weekend.
I baked bread on Friday…
And then we started this series on Netflix….
We watched the whole 1st season Friday night. {There were only 6 episodes}. We are HOOKED. People have been telling us to watch this show since forever ago. I FINALLY get the hype about it. It’s hilarious!
On Saturday, my cute niece dropped by the most DELICIOUS homemade Thin Mints ever…
They were HEAVENLY!
I worked on some NEW printables for my Etsy shop!!
I can’t WAIT to show you allllll of the Christmas goodies I’ve been busy with!!
We had at home church on Sunday.
Because it was Pioneer Day last week, I thought it was a good time to teach my kids a little bit about my Great Grandpa Perry.
Have you ever seen the movie “Coco”? That movie accurately portrays my feelings as to WHY I think it’s SO important for us to not only REMEMBER but also LEARN ABOUT our ancestors. The last few lines of that movie make me cry EVERY SINGLE time. Ok…the whole movie makes me cry. I just adore it.
Made homemade jam on Sunday afternoon…
Strawberries are about out of season {sniff} and so I had to make the most out of my last few packages. I have BIG plans for these jars at Christmas time. Consider yourself warned 😉

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