Friday morning London had a little ‘social distancing’ donut party with her dance team.
Her dance studio opens back up today and she could not be more thrilled!
I spent a lot of the day Friday organzing files in my craft room…
…and MAN it feels good to finally have everything in one place! This staying at home thing hasn’t been the best BUT it’s forced me to clean out and organize just about EVERYTHING in my house!
Dropped by the local movie theater to get our movie popcorn fix for the weekend.
The kids started hanging out again with friends and cousins on Friday {after a LONG two months of not seeing them} and it did EVERYONE some good…..
London spent the night at my sister’s house and my nieces spoiled her by doing her hair, nails, make-up and even treating her to an ‘Ooh La-La London Cafe’ for dinner. Reuniting with loved ones really is THE BEST!
Saturday was more of the same at home. Organizing, throwing out junk and making a pile for Goodwill.
We ordered takeout from one of our very favorite mexican joints thats back up and running!
Man, we’ve missed it!! Best chips and salsa EVER! {You KNOW the chips are good too when there are grease spots all over the paper bag.}
Church at home on Sunday.
The boys call this pic, their Tommy Boy pic. ‘Brothers gotta HUG!’ LoL.
And Sunday night….more going thru old stuff. Why do I enjoy this so much?
Also…..just WHY did I ever think my Sally Jesse Raphael glasses were cool?

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