My entire day Friday was spent frosting pumpkin shaped sugar cookies.
London wanted to do a little fundraiser of her own for dance and so she helped me make the dough and bake the cookies and then somehow, I ended up with frosting duties. 25 dozen cookies and 4 dozen cupcakes later….it was done and finished and my kitchen is once again back to normal!
The kids all had friends over on Friday night which meant Joe and I were stuck upstairs, not bothering them.
During the day on Saturday….Halloween!….I worked on Etsy orders.
My shop is booming right now….tis the season!…and I could not feel more grateful about it!
On Saturday night we had my family over for dinner before trick or treating began. Because we were soup-ed out from our party earlier in the week, we did a NACHO bar with shredded green chile beef, homemade beans, cilantro rice, etc, etc.
My cute niece won the night with her NACHO LIBRE costume.
Joe and I sat outside and passed out candy. It’s such a weird feeling not having little kids anymore that we have to take around trick or treating.
My cute friend Melissa dropped by for a visit while we were outsdie with the CUTEST, most PERFECT mask ever for me….
Diet Dr. Pepper. True Crime. In Bed By Nine.
Totally. Me. and I LOVE it so much!
London racked up 408 pieces of candy by the end of the night and we called it a success!
We went to church on Sunday and then I napped for a good 2.5 hours afterwards. This week did me IN!
And guess what I did Sunday night? I made my boys pull out alllll of my holiday boxes from the garage and I packed away Halloween and got out…….our Christmas tree!! Hahaha..true story. Joe put it up so that this week we can get all of the lights on it {ugh, our pre-lit lights stopped working a couple of years ago} and then by next weekend – it will be ready to decorate!!
I don’t care that it’s the first week of November. It’s 2020 and gosh darn it, we are going to celebrate Christmas for TWO FULL MONTHS this year! We need it! {I was also too tired to think about putting up Thanksgiving stuff and then tearing it down a couple of weeks later}.

I hear you. I almost was wishing Halloween was just over so I could undecorate and then clean and organize this week so on Saturday I can put Christmas up !! Oh and we are supposed to get 15cm of snow Saturday so it’s perfect lol