Friday morning I met two of my very dearest friends for breakfast at new breakfast join that just opened up right by our house…..
It was yumalish and I woud definitely go back.
We got a lot of stuff done around our house on Friday afternoon and then I tried out a new recipe for Tater Tot casserole on Friday night.
I forgot to take a before pic…but this is how much was left of a 9×13 pan so that’s a good sign that everyone loved it, right?! Super simple. I’ll share the recipe later this week so you can enjoy it too.
London attended a dance convention all weekend at her dance studio. They dance with masks. And she still LOVES it. It makes me so happy that she loves it so much. Back at home, the boys and I did chores and then I worked on a special little project for Father’s Day.
I’m sure you guys get sick of hearing this from me but….handwritten letters are my FAVORITE thing. I recently found all of the letters that were written to Joe while on his mission in Chile back from 1997-99. I made photocopies of the letters that Joe’s parents had written him {there were a lot!} and then compiled them into books for each of them. I truly believe that our letters can become like a journal to us and so I thought it would be fun for them to read again.
On Father’s Day morning I woke up bright and early to help London decorate our kitchen table for Joe.
I LOVE that she loves doing this type of stuff as much as me. She really thinks of EVERYTHING when it comes to a celebration. She even begged to decorate Joe’s car….so we did that too.
The day was nice and quiet with lots of relaxing, home church, a vist from Joe’s parents and then a family dinner over at my sister Stephanie’s house.
I was in charge of dessert and you guys!! You really need to google ‘Paula Deen’s Banana Pudding’ recipe…
It is DIVINE and super easy. Plus…these Chessman cookies make it look super cute. I also made a fresh peach cobbler….
Locals: Albertson’s has their fresh peaches on sale for 25 cents a pound {you can get up to 5 lbs I believe at this price!} until tomorrow night. Go and get some! They’re tasty!
We had such a nice time together celebrating my dad whom we all adore.
Lastly…I have to share one more ‘handwritten favorite’ thing…
Tucked inside one of Joe’s mission letters from his Grandma Coombs, she included two handwritten index cards with her favorite scriptures on them. My heart about BURST when I discovered these. I put each one into a frame and gave one to Joe and one to his dad for Father’s Day for them to put on their desks in their offices. Never underestimate the power of a handwritten note! Or scripture!! Or anything!!

Oh my gosh, we have SO MUCH IN COMMON! We have those same paper plates and our Diet Coke cans match! Cool beans!