Holy moly! It’s already the 7th of the month and I have yet to post a new MINISTERING//FRIENDSHIP tag for you to brighten someone’s day with! I’ve been running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off lately. Life will slow down soon but until then, there’s LOTS to get done! Because of that,…
Church Lesson Ideas
Our Annual Family Back to School Dinner 2019.
This past weekend we held our annual family BACK TO SCHOOL DINNER! Each year at this annual dinner we present our family with a new MOTTO//THEME for the new school year. We do this in hopes that our kids can always remember it…thru the good times AND the bad while at school and…
Back to School Dinner: Rise Up!
For our 2017 school year our family theme was: RISE UP! A quote from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: {From THIS General Conference talk} Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we RISE UP, dust ourselves off and move forward. We had a RISE…